Demo Group
This group is for demo purposes. Learn more about groups in the documentation and support pages.
Demo: Enhance Your Group with a Link Library
With a one-time installation fee, you can easily add a link library to your group. Manage links effortlessly—add, edit, and delete them without leaving the tab, with link icons automatically generated. Ready to organize your resources? Get started today!
Cancel your TV-licence
The Canone Televisione is paid to Agenzia Entrate via the electrical bill. The TV-licence is referred to the N.POD number of the electrical meter in your house. That number can be found in the fine print on the electrical bill. To cancel the fee, log in with your SPID, then click the link above again to find the right page. You can also book a time at the Agenzia Entrate office near the Fortezza.
Driving licence renewal
If you are a permanent resident, the driving licence is renewed by the Italian authorities, but the Automobile Club Firenze (ACI) in V.le Amenaola 36, will help you with the renewal. If your licence was issued by another EU-country, you will need a ‘certificate of authenticity’ from the issuer, and a medical exam signed and stamped by your house medic. Download exam form. Eyes are checked at ACI in situ. If your licence was issued outside of EU, you need to take a new license through an Italian driving school.